"Reach Beyond Your Grasp"

 An Introduction for Scouts, Parents, and Leaders

What is Cedar Badge?

Cedar Badge combines BSA's premier National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) Program with the Venturing Experience! Sponsored by the Grand Teton Council, Cedar Badge provides an active, hands on environment for teaching youth cutting edge leadership, team work, and decision making skills.  Cedar Badge is simply the best leadership training available anywhere in the nation and at any cost! Some of the leadership and decision making skills taught include: 

  • Communicating Well
  • Finding Your Vision
  • Setting Your Goals
  • Preparing Your Plans
  • Developing Your Team
  • Solving Problems
  • The Leading EDGE
  • The Teaching EDGE
  • Resolving Conflicts
  • Making Ethical Decisions
  • Leading Yourself
  • Valuing People

Cedar Badge Programs exist for each Scouting age group:

  • Scouts, BSA NYLT--12 to 17 year old youth
  • Venturing High Adventure Experience--14 to 20 year old youth

Each Cedar Badge participant receives a Cedar Badge participant guidebook and neckerchief.  Upon satisfactory completion of the course, each participant is awarded the coveted Cedar Badge patch. 

Scouts, BSA NYLT Program

The Scout, Cedar Badge program uses the Patrol Method in a Scout Camp setting to teach leadership skills and help scouts become effective youth leaders within the Boy Scout program. 

Additionally, participants are taught and use traditional scoutcraft skills in various interpatrol activities and competitions. This is capped off with an outpost hike and the popular "WizBang" games.  Scouts, Cedar Badge offers everything a scout needs to become an effective leader. 

Venturing Cedar Badge Program

Building on the Scouts, Cedar Badge programs, Venturing CB is the pinnacle of the Cedar Badge experience! During the experience Venturing Crews, learn to incorporate highly developed leadership abilities with advanced communication skills in team building activities, all while hiking the trails and floating the rivers of Idaho's beautiful mountain wilderness. 

Who plans and conducts Cedar Badge?

The Cedar Badge Board of Directors, comprised of young men and women, lead and directs, the program.  The balance of the Cedar Badge staff is selected and trained by the Board of Directors.  Scouts who previously attended and successfully completed the Cedar Badge program can apply to be on staff.  The Cedar Badge program is overseen by a staff of carefully selected and trained adult leaders. 

How do Home Units benefit from having Scouts attend Cedar Badge?

Benefits for your home unit realized by having Scouts attend Cedar Badge include:

  • Scouts have a positive Scouting experience with dozens of other Scouts.
  • Scouts return to their home units more excited and knowledgeable about Scouting.
  • Scouts learn leadership skills that can be applied in home units.
  • Scouts learn to work with others including people they have never met before, to accomplish tasks and activities. 
  • Scouts can obtain and realize the value of wearing scout uniforms.

How do Scout Leaders benefit from having Scouts attend Cedar Badge?

Benefits that the unit leader recognizes from having scouts attend Cedar Badge include:

  • Scouts are trained in leadership skills and proper unit operations; thus they make ideal junior leaders for your unit.  (Ideal units have Cedar Badge trained youth and Wood Badge trained adult leaders.)
  • Scouts set goals while at Cedar Badge that must be completed at home and in their home units.  Many of these goals are actions that will improve the attitude and skills of your home units. 

When and Where does Cedar Badge happen?

The week-long Cedar Badge program at Island Park Scout Camp offers multiple courses to choose from. Only those who are enrolled in the course are urged to attend the week long activities. At the end of the week there will be a graduation ceremony in which parents are strongly encouraged to attend (times may vary).

To pass the course, scouts must stay in camp the entire time, from beginning to end. Transportation to and from Cedar Badge should be provided by parents or adult leaders. 

How do Scouts Qualify to attend Cedar Badge?

To attend Cedar Badge, a Scout must:

  1. Be a registered member of the Boy Scouts of America
  2. Be a First Class Scout by the time Cedar Badge starts.
  3. Provide and wear a full Scout uniform (field uniform) including pants and socks.
  4. Have a prior week long or other camping experience.  Cedar Badge is not for first time campers. 
  5. Provide a completed Health and Medical Form.
  6. Be recommended by their unit leader. 










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