To sign up for a workshop, contact Michael Vangelov, or call 208-522-5155 Current Workshops and Classes .jpg) (click the image above) .jpg) (Click the image above) | Grand Teton Council Merit Badge Workshop Program What is a Merit Badge? Merit badges are awards earned by youth members of the Boy Scouts of America based on activities within a specific area of study. The purpose of the merit badge program is to allow Scouts the opportunity to explore, learn, and develop life skills, and self-confidence by achieving goals. With over 100 merit badges offered, from Business to Science and Sports, Scouts can increase their skill and knowledge to help them in their educational pursuits and also gain insight into various careers or avocations. Idaho Youth Benefits Scouting provides an opportunity for youth in Idaho to grow physically, mentally, and morally in after-school and weekend activities. By participating in Scouting’s structured and safe activities, youth will engage in year around program designed to teach ethics, character and values. Scouts learn leadership, to be trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent. There is no better time than now to help guide our youth in positive directions and imprint the qualities to become tomorrow’s leaders. Benefits to your Organization for a Merit Badge Workshop: - Leader Workshop - $1,500 (Select 5 of the benefits below)
- Partner Workshop - $3,000 (Select 9 of the benefits below)
- Host a class of your chosen Merit Badge(s) over a 12 month period!
- Name/Logo included in the Grand Teton Council Annual Report
- Logo and weblink on the Grand Teton Council webpage
- Company recognition at the Council Events
- Company recognition at the University of Scouting
- Company recognition at the Idaho Falls Council headquarters for 12 months
- Company recognition of quarterly Council program meetings for volunteer leaders
- Recognition at the Council Recognition Night
- Recognition banner at one Scout camp during the season
- Company recognition at council Scout shops - Rexburg/Blackfoot/Pocatello for 12 months
- One special events package: Sporting Clay Shoot, Golf Tournament, or Holiday Auction
- Booth Space to exhibit your company/products at Invitational Shoot or Golf Tournament
Download the Full Brochure and Signup Sheet |