Merit Badge Counselors For a list of merit badge counselors, you can access them two different ways. First, you can contact your local Scout Office and they will be happy to provide you the information for merit badge counselors near you who can help you earn your next merit badge. Second, you can login to your Scoutbook account where we are beginning to collect merit badge counselors. To access Scoutbook, click the image below.  New Citizenship in Society Merit Badge. Required for Eagle starting July 1 2022.  All requirements for Eagle except Board of Review must be completed before 7-1-22 or Scout must earn Cit in Society. Citizenship in Society Merit Badge - STATEMENT At all times Scouts are expected to “Show Scout Spirit” and to “Do my duty to God and my Country, to help other people at all times, and to obey the Scout Law” which compels Scouts to be, “helpful, friendly, courteous, and kind.” When we add in the Golden Rule, “Do Unto Others as You Would Have Others Do Unto You” that about covers all there is to be a good citizen, in any society or community. The Council needs to approve appropriate individuals to serve as counselors for the Citizenship in Society Merit Badge. We are concerned about people who might want to use the new CIS Merit Badge as an opportunity to push radical Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) agendas on Scouts. We need people who will be mindful and respectful of everyone's beliefs. As long as the counseling for CIS MB is done in a balanced way and in harmony with the Scouts’ parents’ beliefs and wishes, we should have no problems. The BSA has developed new Diversity Training modules for employees and volunteers. This training should probably be a prerequisite for any council approved CIS MB counselors. | Merit Badge & Rank Requirements  Merit Badge Workshops and Classes >> .jpg) Citizenship in Society Scout Requirements General Info Video Counselor Guidelines Counselor Video | Training for Merit Badge Counselors National Merit Badge Portal >> Getting Started >> Merit Badge Counselor Orientation >> Guide for Merit Badge Counselors >> Guide to Advancement >>  Requirements to serve as a Merit Badge Counselor for Citizenship in Society - MUST BE APPROIVED BY COUNCIL EXECUTIVE AND COUNCIL ADVANCEMENT COMMITTEE!
- Register as a Merit Badge Counselor for the Citizenship in Society Merit Badge by completing an application form and submitting it
- Engage in a brief (5-minute or less) phone conversation with a member of the Council Advancement Committee
- Review the PowerPoint slide presentation at:
- Complete the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion training mentioned in the PowerPoint presentation, and
- Take the Scouts BSA - Merit Badge Counselor Position Specific Training at
- Submit a copy of the certificate of completion for the above trainings to the Council registrar
Expectations of a Merit Badge counselor for Citizenship in Society: - This is a merit badge that is meant to be adult guided, not adult led.
- Ratios for merit badge should never exceed 5 youth to 1 counselor
- This merit badge should never be taught in large group settings including (but not limited to):
- Pow-Wow events
- Summer Camp
- District/Council events
- Parents should be encouraged to participate in any of the following ways:
- Pre-meeting
- During the meeting
- In periphery roles
- Parents who may be concerned about who serves as a counselor for their child for this merit badge may elect to become a counselor for their Scout. They need only complete the requirements to serve as a merit badge counselor listed above. 11/26/2021